domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2015


Last week the season 2 of Gotham premiered and we are going to talk about some of our favorite characters and where they are now. Gotham Season 2 is going to bring to our TV screens one of the most important reasons why we love Batman: The Villains.

Spoilers ahead for episode 2x01, you been warned.

So let's start with the most honorable man in Gotham, James Gordon. In the first episode he is not a detective of the GCPD but a ordinary police officer guarding the traffic, he is still dating Dr. Thompkins. Jim is fired, destroying his last thread of dignity he had. So in a act of desesperation to get his job back (cause that's the only way to keep his promise to Bruce of finding who killed his parents) he goes and asks The Penguin for help. The Penguin who took the place of Falcone and Maroni in the mob of Gotham is a very influential man now, and gets Jim his job back, but not before Jim does some dirty work for him. Jim has his detective job at the end of the episode and is he is back in the hunt for the bad guys. Harvey was working at a bar, he'll probably still help Jim.

Edward Nygma "The Riddler" is still working on the GCPD and is getting crazier and crazier every day.

The other mayor plotline for this season starts in Arkham, when Barbara arrives and meets other prisoners, the most important: Jerome (who might or might not be the Joker?) 
She quickly make herself friends with the other prisoners and i also still threating Dr. Thompkins via phone calls. 

We are introduced to a new character : Theo Galavan. He is the main antagonist of this second season, who made his debut alongside his sister Tabitha. He is a billonaire industralist who arrives in Gotham City claiming to be it's savior, however at the same time posses some darker intentions. He intoxicated Zaardon, one of his underlings, with a knock out gas. After Zaardon is imprisoned in Arkham Asylum, Galavan used him to break out six inmates , including Jerome Valeska, Barbara Kean and Richard Sionis. He offers each of them to partake in his plans. When Sionis denies his offer, he has him killed by his sister Tabitha. During the breakout in Arkham, Galavan is present at the retirement ceremony of Commissioner Gillian Loeb, where he holds a speech for the mayor who is said to be otherwise occupied.

And what about our young Bruce Wayne? He is where he left last season, he found his dad's secret lair but i'ts locked and he needs a password to open it. He tries several passwords for months with no success. So he finally decides to make a little homemade bomb to open the door, when he got in he found in his father's desk a letter adressed to him. The letter said that his dad wanted Bruce to be happy and to live a normal life just as long as he didn't heard the truth calling him. There's also a very funny line in which Bruce's dad wrote "If you got in here, you'll probably already guessed the password is "Bruce", Alfred laughs, it was hilarious. So that's where the episode ends.

Two last things:

  • Selina Kyle "Catwoman" is working for Penguin, although there was a picture of her interacting with Barbara.
  • I have to say that i think the highlight of this season might as well be Cameron Monaghan performance as Jerome.

so would you give Gotham season 2 a chance? i think it might take a turn, we'll have to wait and see!

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