BEFORE STARTING, just for you to know, we are going beyond the wall into SPOILER territory so if you haven't watch the finale STOP READING NOW! Don't say i didn't warned you..
Let's start with number 10:
10.) Stannis Baratheon loses all.
So after burning her own daughter as a sacrifice for the "Lord of Light" as an advice from Melisandre, everything's start going wrong for Stannis... his men escaped, he doesn't have enough horses, he killed her daughter and his wife hung herself. He goes to Winterfell and tries to defeat Bolton's army but he is out numbered and loses.
even Melisandre leaves his side when she sees everything's is going down. We see her arrived to Castle Black with a very "guilty" look on her face.
9.) Samwell leaves to Old Town
Sam asks Jon to let him go to Old Town so he can become a maestre, which had been his dream forever, Jon didn't want at the begining but eventually agrees. Sam leaves Castle Black with Gilly and the baby. So i def think this is a good thing cause Sam was never a warrior so he wasn't helping a lot at Castle Black and also if he becames a maestre he can study and read how to defeat the White Walkers.
8.) Brienne kills Stannis
So as you know Brienne of Tarth was in love with Renly Baratheon who was killed by his brother Stannis Baratheon, not him precisley but as Brienne describes it " a shadow with Stannis face" , Stannis used black magic to kill his brother, Brienne swore she would killed Stannis for that, and in this episode she did it...? it seems like she did and that's the most obvious choice here but we didn't really see him die we just saw Brienne pull her sword up and then it cuts into another scence, but we'll have to wait until season 6, but God i hope he's dead, i hate him.
7.) Arya kills Ser Meryn Trant
So Arya seems to know already how to use the many faces magic or whatever you want call it and used it for her own benefit, and kills one person on her list : Ser Meryn Trant. She pulls his eyes out first and then cut his throat, and this scene was a bit too much, i mean this guy was obviously a pedophile who raped and hit little girls because it pleasured him, and then Arya killing him and all the blood IT WAS TOO MUCH for sensitive watchers like me,
6.) and that leads us to number 6, Arya loses her sight.
So when she comes back, the faceless guy tells her that what she did was wrong and that she was not ready, so he makes her think he's dead? i will need hel with his it was VERY confusing, then she started to take a lot of faces off a body (this was NOT an hallucination, she was actually doing that, it is some kind of magic of the Many Faces God i guess) and then she notice she is starting to lose her sight and can't see anything, i feel like it kind of simbolizes that because she took Meryn's eyes out, she would now know how it felt or something like that ( THIS IS JUST WHAT I THINK OF, MERE EXPECULATIONS)
5.) Sansa and Theon escape Winterfell.
So after Sansa tried to contact Brienne and fails she is almost kill by Myranda?( i guess that's her name, i'm bad at names sorry!) but Theon safes her and kills Myranda, they run and we see them jump from the castle, we don't see where they fall or if they are hurt, dead or alive, who knows, DAMN YOU CLIFF HANGERS!, I would have like to see Sansa killed that bitch though.
4.) Ellaria Sand poisons Myrcella.
So a quick back up story: Ellaria was married to Oberyn Martell. When they went to King's Landing, Joffrey died and Tyrion was being accused for his murdered, he wanted a trial by combat and Oberyn was going to be Tyrion's representative because he wanted to kill The Mountain ( who was the other fighter) for raping and killing his sister. Oberyn loses and dies, so Ellaria along with her daughthers swear to get revenge agaisnt The Lannisters. Myrcella is Cersei Lannister daugther that is in Dorne promised to a Dorne's prince. They try to take Myrcella and killed her to get back at Cersei but fail. Jamie Lannister (Myrcella's REAL father) rescue her and take her back to King's Landing. Ellaria promise not to try to avenge Oberyn anymore and says goodbye to Myrcella with a kiss on the mouth. When they are in the ship, Jamie and Myrcella are having a very touching conversation about how she knew all along that his mom's brother was not only his uncle but his father (AW?) And it wouldn't be Game of Thrones without a horrible thing after a cute reunion right? Myrcella starts bleeding of her nose, (just like Joffrey when he was poisoned, but little less messy) and it seems like she dies, but they leave us there, hanging. And then wee see Ellaria watching the ship go away as she cleans her own bloody nose and drinks an antidote.
3.) Daenerys is kindapped by the Khalasar.
but wait... what exactly is the Khalasar? well a Khalasar is a group of men who used to belong to Khal Drogo ( ok you have to remember who is Khal Drogo) so now they have another leader, another Khal, and if you were asking too why to starting to go in circle, well that is a tecquinique so she doesn't escape. We also get to see a very funny scene between Dany (yes i call Daenerys "Dany")
and her dragon Drogo , he's acting like a puppy who just ate and wants to take a nap and won't help Dany at all, and also very important Dany taked off her engagment ring and toss it on the groung so Ser Jorah and the other guy I CANT remember his name, (the one who seduced Dany, yeah that one) can find her later, SMART Dany, very smart.
2.) Cersei walk of shame.
So this scence in particular was a roller coaster of emotions for me cause i don't like Cersei at all, i think she is pure evil, at first i felt like she deserve it, but as she continue to walk, naked, while people where spitting on her on screaming her all those things and you can see how she breaks down more and more as she goes on, it was hard to watch. But then she arrives to the castle and as soon as she enters she breaks down completly and cries but then they introduce this giant dude who is The Mountain (which die on his fight with Oberyn Martell) and with some vodoo magic they brough him back to life and he looks like a freaking zombie, and he carries Cersei and this guy tells her, he (The Mountain) will kill all her enemies, and she goes straight from having an almost religion experience that could have changer her to be a better person to this face of evil and revenge, to being the bitch she always had been. PS: that naked body you saw was not actually Cersei, it was a double and lot of CGI.
1.) AND obviously number 1 could not be any other than one of the most heartbreaking moments in this whole series : Jon Snow gets stabbed several times and dies......?
So this was a moment that made almost every Game Of Thrones fan ask "WHYYYYYYY?"
Jon Snow being one of the top favorites, get tricked by Olly, (the most hated kid in television right now) and by the others on the Night Watch who didn't agree on Jon's new order, that was to keep the "outsiders" ( i can't remember how they called them) so they can fight together, he get's stabbed by several of them and also by Olly as they said "For the Watch", Well i have a thought: FUCK THE WATCH, It was heartbreaking, the episode ends with a bloody Jon Snow left there to die.
Now some people are wondering? could it be possible that he survives this? I mean it seem pretty bad he was stabbed 7657632 times ( LIKE ONE STABB WASNT ENOUGH FOR MY POOR HEART) and we had seen major characters die before, so could it be?
Some people think he will come back, there are A LOT of theories floating around like the most likely:

Lady Melisandre brings him back to life, we did saw her come back after leaving Stannis into Castle Black.

other teories floating around are about Jon embodies into his wolf and friend Ghost, or becomes a white walker, cause we do see the white walkers bring people back from the the death.
There's another theory which some people are like 100% sure it's true about Jon Snow being more than Ned Stark bastard, now this is the R+L= J theory about Jon Snow true origins, i will explain this theory on another post cause this has been way to long!
but hey! don't lose hope, we might not had seen the last of "YOU KNOW NOTHING JON SNOW" on the show, and to end this post i'll leave you with something Sam says to Olly on one episode:
"Don't worry, Jon always comes back"
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