So as you may know we are TWO just TWO WEEKS away from one of the most important finales in PLL history, this Summer Finale we will find out something we had been waiting for YEARS, the identity of "A" aka the lost older brother of Alison and Jason Dilaurentis : Charles Dilaurentis. Charles/A has been the girl's tormentor since way back then when Mona was revealed as the first "A" and then stole the game from her and now we know some of his history and horrible childhood: when he was six years old he tried to drown a little baby Alison, for that reason he was sent to Radley where he lived almost all his childhood and adolesence, he celebrated his birthday with his siblings once and said it was the best one he ever had, he faked his death at the age of 16 with the help of this mother, Jessica Dilaurentis and the night Alison dissapeared he went back to Radley and it seems like he helped Bethany Young escape that night, when she supposedly died. He wanted to trust Jason.

and recently we found out he is clearly NOT working alone, cause last episode we saw Red Coat who is back to help Charles and it seems they have been working together for a long time now cause she refer to herself (I'm assuming is a woman) as Charles "friend and ally" hhhmmmm...
SO obviously this information is important, but what we want to know is something even more important, who is this people behind the masks and the coats and the hoodie? why are they doing this? is this people we trust? I bet you all have your theories ready and are waiting for August 11 to see if you're right! well so do I, so let me share with you my main suspects for Charles and his allies Red Coat and Black Veil.
My main suspect is : Wren Kingston.

And Mona always said she don't really remember who was she talking in Radley because she was in so many drugs she was confused all the time, we do saw Red Coat talking to her on the season 2 finale but i wonder if Mona remember that conversation she had with Wren where he showed her a drawing (very familar btw) and talked about him being keeping secrets from her and loyalties which is weird cause what does Wren has do with Mona??? AND this episode is for me the key for Wren shadiness, go back and watch episose 4x10 "The Mirror has Three Faces." Wren also gets asked by Hanna why did he let Cece in to see Mona and ask if she has contacted him which he quickly denies, but we'll talked about that later, at the last scence we see Wren coloring the woman in the drawing coat's red. coincidence? i think not.
Even Julian Morris (the actor who portrays Wren) has been posting little clues on his snapchat.
Wren has been around since the pilot, and he just came in and had the girls completely fooled, they have talked, kissed him, and not one time they ever suspected him. They have suspected Ezra, Toby, Caleb, Paige, ect every wrong person, but Dr.Kingston has never been in the A list.

Now let's move on to RED COAT.
Main Suspect: Cece Drake.
Cece Drake is also a very popular theory for Red Coat, begining with the fact we had actually saw Cece in a Red Coat, she was helping Alison back in season 4. But did you notice she was wearing a black hoodie under the coat? She was introduced in season 3 in an episode called "crAzy" , red coat is well known for using an Ali mask and we all know that when the girls first saw Cece they thought she was Alison, she tells them that they had been friends for a long time, Cece's personality is even a lot like Alison's even in that flashback where Alison was playing the piano and Mrs. Dilaurentis came in and yells at her because she received a called that her daughther was in Radley she rushes in just to find Cece sitting there in Radley pretending to be Alison and she said "they wear each other personalities" and Mrs.D tells Alison to stop her friendship with Cece, which she doesn't. We have alson seen Cece just in a black hoodie spying into Ezra's apartment door, we find out Ezra was paying Cece for information, maybe she was casually meeting him with a black hoodie? That's unlikely. Also there's a scene in which Cece is talking to a mysterious person on the phone and she is on a place full with Alison pictures and a Red Coat laying on a chait, mmm.

REMEMBER that twin story Alison tells in season 2, episose 2x13 " The First Secret" the girls look a lot like, yeah you guessed it: Cece Drake.
Also like i said before after Hanna asks Wren is Cece have contacter him, he denies it so damn quickly and when Hanna leaves Wren makes a phone call and tells someone that "they got a problem" i wonder what that is.
and finally BLACK VEIL
main suspect : Melissa Hastings.
Some people think that Red Coat and Black Veil are the same person, but i don't think that's the case. They had said that Black Veil is endgame, and we had seen her just in funerals: at Wilden's and at Bethany's. I think that Black Veil is good, and the fact that she is going to this people's funerals shows that she is sorry for what happened to them. Wilden was killed by Cece, he was Melissa's friend. I think Melissa is being black mailed by Wren (Charles) , I think she didn't know at the begining his game was going to be this crazy, she killed bethany, she finished the job for them and if she talks she is going down with them, on the other part, she is also there because she is trying to protect Spencer which she had said a million times, she said she buried Bethany because she thought Spencer had hit her, maybe she did it not knowing she was getting into a very dangerous game and interfiering with Wren and Cece's plan, then she meets Wren and somehow she figure out his intentions and he black mails telling her that if she talks he would tell she killed Bethany, so that's why we see her going to Bethany's funeral and writing a card that said " my deepest condelences" because she feels bad and guilty but can't do anything about. Also remember she is back with Wren in London conveniently.
THIS ARE JUST THEORIES MERE EXPECULATIONS, I COULD BE TOTALLY WRONG, i'm just putting my thoughts out there, and after the finale you could me come here and is if i was right! ARE YOU READY FOR THIS? :
Who killed Toby’s mother? Who hit Alison in the head with the rock the night she went missing? Who is Red Coat? Who killed Bethany? Who is the Black Widow? Why has ‘A’ been targeting the PLLs all this time? After years of torture, Alison, Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer finally come face-to-face with their tormentor and learn the story of how and why Charles became ‘A.’
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