SPOILER ALERT: If you haven't watch the episode, or are still watching the series then don't continue reading, you have been warned.
before i start i feel like i had stated my opinion on what i thought about this episode so much that is just not necessary for me to state in again, the episode was fulled with plot holes, very bad written and clearly doesn't make sense. I was dissapointed when i found out almost every answer to the questions and i'm saying this for last time: i was not mad because of the WHO (regards on A) and just a little bit okay with the WHY but the HOW was just ridiculous. I will answer the questions and with every question they answered there is a plot hole that i will adressed as well. So let's start.
1.) Who is Charles/A?
I wanted to leave this answer till the end of this post because it was the most important one, but for the others to make sense i need to start with this one. Do you think you will remember couple of years from now what were you doing when A turned around and you saw this....
and you were like: OMFG ITS CECE FUCKING DRAKE
i was shocked i'm not going to lie, i was (like 99% of this fandom) waiting to see Wren's beautiful face and when i saw Cece i was shocked, and then i entered on a state of denial saying to myself, she has to be Charle's helper right? Red Coat right?? but then she started telling her story.
Cece Drake is Charles. She was born a boy, she is Alison and Jason's older brother, when she/he was 6 years old Alison was crying so he wanted Alison to be happy, very innocently Charles took her sister and threw her in the bathtub, when Kenneth arrived he screamed to him "are you crazy?". Cece tells Alison that she never wanted to hurt her, that it was an accident but her dad needed that to get rid of her, so they leave little Charles at Radley. Cece is telling Alison this story, they are in Radley and the girls are at the Carissimi group listening to everything. Cece had her Dad and Jason drugged, they can't move but they are listening to everything.

Cece explains how she always asked her mom to buy her dresses, she always felt like he was a girl. Her dad never understood her and never ever visited her at Radley. She also explained the two yellow dresses that we saw on the Christmas special. Mrs. D always bought her the same outfit she bought to Alison, Cece says " Just like if we were twins." So if you know this is what happens in the books, all they changed was the fact that she was a boy and now is a girl.
the Cece reveal was a little dissapointing for me cause you know my suspect number one was Wren. I thought Cece was going to be Red Coat cause yes she has a lot of clues pointing to her but no for being Charles. The writers said they were NOT going to trasgender, and don't get me wrong i have nothing against trasgender people, but since they told us they were not going that way we eliminate every female character for Charles. And the amount of plot holes on why Cece being A doesn't make sense is ridiculous.
Cece told Alison Radley let her go to a funeral, to Charles funeral. So they let her go to her own funeral appearently and she came back as "Charlotte" they didn't told us if she got a surgery i'm supposed she did because if they didn't then what is going on?? Vanessa Ray (Cece) doesn't look like she ever was a dude, sorry but it is true and if she didn't say how is possible that Mr. Dilaurentis didn't recognize his own son on this particular scene when Charlotte who now goes by the name of Cece Drake meets the Dilaurentis family.
Also Mrs. D tells her Jason refered to her as his girlfriend and we all know that they had a relantionship and that is just gross. Even though you said you guys never went sexual and that's why he was frustrated is sick, you made your brother think about you that way knowing you were related ugh.
Cece meets Jason at Rosewood High and Jason asks her if she goes to school there and Cece says "no, but if i did i'll be the prettiest girl in the year book" but yet she takes a picture for the year book and no one questions why is this girl who doesnt goes to our school taking a picture?? and not only that but she ends up the in the year book as PROM QUEEN and drama club president!if SHE NEVER WENT to that school then how will they named her all that, PLOT HOLE.
Cece went to Upenn but claims she never wasn't even there and she did other stuff yet she had time to make all this friends, and go to parties while being A, she even had a roomate remember?
There is an A scene where A turns Cece to the police for Wilden's murder, yeah that happened, so i want a legit reason for why Cece would want to turn herself to the cops please. PLOT HOLE
From her being at Radley at all times, yet having time to go to college at UPenn and going around fooling with Alison and Jason. Working at a boutique, going to Cape May WITH the Dilaurentis family without being recognized it all doesn't add up.
2) Who killed Toby's mother
Bethany Young killed Marion Cavanaugh.
So as you see, we saw Bethany's face for the first time, as a young girl. Bethany and Charles who was also a young kid met at Radley, they were talking at the roof in Radley and Charles was wearing a dress when Marion came to the roof, Charles told Bethany that she couldn't see him like that, Bethany told her to hide, and while she was talking to Marion she just pushed her from the roof without any motive. Charles comes and tell Bethany like "what did you do?" and Bethany is like "what did i do? you did this....you freak." so Mrs. D payed Wilden so that Marion death was known as a suicide. Wilden appearently was the first child cop considering that when this happened Cece was like 1o and Wilden is her same age! PLOT HOLE! Charles later is diagnosed with Bethany's diagnosis,they treated him very bad at Radley until he was 16 years old and let him go to his funeral and comes back as a girl, as Charlotte.
Now here's one of the biggest Plot Holes ever, in that scene Bethany and Charles are like 10 years old, meaning Marion died when they were 10, Charles and Bethany are older than Toby meaning Toby would have been 5 maybe 6 when Marion died. Yet if you go back to season 4 there is a flashback were we see Marion with Toby and Alison as TEENS, while she is supposedly dead! Kuddos Pll writers! Marlene King try to explain this saying that flashbacks are interpretative and that even if it was Keegan Allen and Sasha Pieterse there acting, we were supposed to see them as childs, a 5 year old Toby and a 4 year old Ali.....kissing. i wonder what else in this show is interpretative!
3.) Who hit Alison in the head?
Cece tells the story, she said that Bethany found out that Mrs.D was having a affair with her father and she was pissed, so she escaped Radley that night stoled Cece's clothes (which she conveniently choose the yellow top) for some reason and went to kill Jessica Dilaurentis. Cece went and saw a blond girl with her clothes and assumed it was Bethany so she hit her over the head just to realize it was actually her sister Alison. So she didn't do it on purpose, Mrs. D assumed Alison is dead cause you know you can't check people's pulses to see if they are still alive, buries her while telling Cece "what have you done?"
Jessica pays Wilden yet again and sends Charlotte back to Radley and never forgives her for what she did to Alison.
PLOT HOLE: Alison tells Cece that Jason said he saw her that night talking to Melissa and Cece says that it was not her Jason saw cause she was not wearing a yellow top, and yes i know Jason was drunk but back in season 3 Cece confirms to Emily that she was in fact talking to Melissa about the NAT club and the tapes Alison had, so she is contradicting herself.
and if Bethany was the one talking to Melissa then what is their connection? it doesn't make sense!
4.) Who is Red Coat and Black Widow?
and i put this two together since they are the same motherfucking shower bitch motherfucking Sara Harvey.
i will keep this short, Sara is irrelevant she didn't deserve to be the most important (AFTER A) villains, this bitch came out of nowhere and is stupid and unnecessary! you fucked up everything for us writers, damn it.
Here's the promo for the time jump that will premiere next year:
Jessica pays Wilden yet again and sends Charlotte back to Radley and never forgives her for what she did to Alison.
PLOT HOLE: Alison tells Cece that Jason said he saw her that night talking to Melissa and Cece says that it was not her Jason saw cause she was not wearing a yellow top, and yes i know Jason was drunk but back in season 3 Cece confirms to Emily that she was in fact talking to Melissa about the NAT club and the tapes Alison had, so she is contradicting herself.
and if Bethany was the one talking to Melissa then what is their connection? it doesn't make sense!
4.) Who is Red Coat and Black Widow?
and i put this two together since they are the same motherfucking shower bitch motherfucking Sara Harvey.
i will keep this short, Sara is irrelevant she didn't deserve to be the most important (AFTER A) villains, this bitch came out of nowhere and is stupid and unnecessary! you fucked up everything for us writers, damn it.
how did Cece met Sara, why would Sara attack this girls? why would her motive be? it doesn't make sense they introduced her just now, she has been in 9 episodes, yet she has been around since Wilden's funeral.
Another thing why would Sara Harvey went to Bethany's funeral? and write a deepest condelences card, it's ridiculous.
5.) Who killed Bethany Young?
Mona Vanderwall killed her because she thought Bethany was Alison. There you go, that's how the mystery of Bethany young ended, the crappiest way you could imagine!
6.) Why has Cece/A been torturing the girls?
Cece tells Alison she was so mad that those bitches were happy she was gone that she decide to steal the game from Mona when she arrived to Radley, Mona was so drugged that she never knew it was Cece talking to her, and Cece was there really comfortable in a red bath rub like " yeah this is my home." So that's A motive guys: the girls made friends with the wrong chick, she tortured innocent girls and their families because they didn't like Alison? REALLY? yet she tortured Alison as well by sending her to JAIL and have her beat up! what a lovely sister.
If Cece was in Radley while this, then Wren must have known her by the name of Charlotte yet he gives her a visitor's pass to go into HER HOME that is Radley, where she is a PATIENT with the name Cece Drake, like if Wren won't recognize her as a patient...wow.
towards the end of the episode we see a flashback of Cece finding her mom's body and crying her eyes out for her, we do not who killed her or why but Cece buries her on the Hastings house for some reason. I would have felt bad for her but remember this A message?
Cece loved her mother and sister so much yet she decides to joke over her mother's death! aww how sweet.
At the end Cece doesn't jump from the roof, we dont know what happened to her later, i supposed she's either in jail or in another mental institution.
The girls have their goodbyes and go to college and this was the only part that made me tear a little bit, cause i love their friendship. (Spencer quoting Winnie the Pooh, and calling Hanna "Hanna Banana" was the best)
ohh and thow could we forget the highlight of the episode!:
Introduction of Time Jump: 5 years later
Alison is now a teacher at Rosewood High, and the girls come in looking super pretty, Alison being the best for me and she is writting her name on the board "Mrs. Rollin...." so yep she is married! the girls tell her "He is coming for you, we need to go." and then Spencer finally says "too late he is here." and Ali looks legit scared.
If you're looking forward to know what they are talking about then go ahead but i'm done making theories haha.
That's all i can say about the episode, i didnt like it, i will continue watching cause i want to know if the girls go their happy ending but in regards of A or any other villain the may come up with i will not be expectating much, i will not put some much detail like i did before and i hope the writers will own up to their mistakes.
and thank you Marlene King for answering our very other important question via interview via twitter, you really love you fans, in cause you don't notice i am being extremely sarcastic. Its rude she answered all this things we were wondering for years in such a boring way, but what can we do though?
here's the interview - http://www.ew.com/article/2015/08/11/pretty-little-liars-marlene-king-answers
and if you want to see more recaps suscribe to this PLL youtubers:
Main Line Mysteries
Kellie TV
this girls are great, and if you read this THANK YOU!
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