sábado, 27 de junio de 2015


So I didn't do a recap on the last two episode because there was really nothing interesting to talk about, there was no answers so i instead did a unanswered questions post, but last Tuesday episode was much better and we did kinda have some answers, but it confused me even more, let me explain you what i'm talking about, and what do we know about Charles Dilaurentis

The episode starts out with Alison and the girls, and while Alison is telling the girls what his dad told her about Charles, we see a flashback to Mr. D talking to Jason and Alison. He tells them that Charles is their brother in fact and that Charles is 15 months older than Jason, meaning Jason and Charles are NOT twins and that Charles is the older brother.

Then while Alison is still telling the story, we go again to Mr. D and he says that from a very young age they knew Charles was going to be problematic so they decided to put him into Radley when he was 6 years old ( i didnt even know they accepted kids so young into sanitariums but okay) nobody knew about Charles in Rosewood because they moved back to Rosewood after Charles was already in Radley.

Then Alison ( in the flashback) tells his dad that Charles is the girl's tormentor, that he is the one who framed her for Mona's "murder" and kidnapped the girls, and we see Mr. D saying that Charles couldn't have done that, and the we go back to the girls and they ask Alison how is his Dad so sure is not Charles who did those things and Alison says "because Charles is dead" now it is kind of weird we didn't get to hear Mr. D saying it! Alison tells the girls Charles killed himself when he was 16 years old by taking pills, and that he never left Radley. ( Like Hanna pointed out, i don't believe a word Mr.D said!, no body, no proof!) and they can't go to Radley because it's closed (great timing)

The we see Aria trying to find something about Charles death on the internet but she can't find shit, and we also get to see Byron again, trying to make Aria to tell her what she went through in the doll house.

Spencer makes some calls and finds out that all the Radley files are being destroyed, she is the brew and she has a conversation with Ezra, he tells her about this new girl called Sabrina who will be working at the Brew, and that smells like pot but makes great pastries! (FUN FACT: the actress who plays Sabrina is Troian's real life best friend) 

Spencer keeps having some flashbacks from when she is in the dollhouse, she wakes up and she is covered with blood, and she asks Charles " what did you make me do" because she thinks she had hurt somebody. We also get to see a very desperate Spencer, Aria tells her that she throwed away her pills because they were not working, so Spencer goes into Aria's garbage to find the pills, that's how desperate she is for the drugs!

So the girls decide to go to a Data Center where they have all the Radley files they are going to destroy so they can find more information about Charles before it is to late, they sneak in, and find his file that only had information until Charles 16th birhtday, but they did also fins his visitor's list and there is only two people on them: Mrs. Dilaurentis (his mom) and some "Aunt Carol" so they steal the file and when they go out Caleb is there being all protective and cute, she followed Hanna because he knows someone else is still out there and he is trying to protect Hanna, boyfriend of the year or what?

The girls gave the file to Alison, so she talks to Jason about how their aunt Carol knew about Charles, so Jason starts remebering and we see a flashback. Remember way before on season 2 when Jason had that elevator accident and he was in the hospital and then he dissapeared and nobody knew where he went? well appareantly he went to this Aunt Carol's house (for the record aunt carol was already dead) so because she is dead he thought he could crashed at the abandoned house of aunt carol but when he got there he found Mrs. Dilaurentis, (her mom) and instead of asking Jason how he was, she inmediatly tell him he can't stay there, then we heard a noise inside the house that was clearly a door getting opened and then closed, so someone was there that mrs. D didnt want anyone to know! WHO COULD IT BE? WOW. To me this is a clue that Charles is not really dead and Mrs. D faked his death to help him get out of Radley!

Spencer is not the only one getting flashbacks from the dollhouse, Aria is also getting some flashbacks while she is at a dark room revealing some photos, she gets an A message too it said : "you're MY doll, bitch -A" we see that her flashback consisted on Charles trying to get her to dye her hair pink, she doesnt want to, so Charles cuts her hair and tells her that if she doesn't dye it, she would lose it all.


Spencer, Hanna, Alison and Jason decide to go to Aunt Carol's house to see if the can find something about Charles, when they get there they decide to separate and Spencer continues to get his flashbacks, Hanna realize Spencer is crying so she asks her what's wrong, Spencer tells Hanna everything about the flashbacks and how she thinks she really hurt someone, Hanna tells her that Charles put fake blood there to make her think she hurt somebody just to mess with her mind, Spencer still is not so sure.

Jason and Alison found something in the backyard, after Hanna and Spencer join them they see a head stone, with the inscription " Charles: beloved son" Alison realizes (Her Dad told them that Charles was cremated, and they didnt have a funeral, mrs. D stayed with his ashes) that her dad either didn't know or lied to her about "Charles body" cause he was no cremated, 

then Hanna read every PLL fan mind out there and said that that is probably fake, that Charles planted it there to get them to believe is not really him, Alison tells her to leave his brother rest in peace, and then Jason tells them this head stone is real cause it has roots growing around it meaning it has been there a long time. I THINK: this was planted in fact when Charles was 16 years old by Mrs. D to help him escape Radley.

There's also a scene with Emily and Sara, but i don't really care about that so, the only weird thing about this is Emily's mom finding Sara on the roof of the house staring at the sun, yeah that's something to worried about right emily? ugh.

Alison's dad tell her the reason why they send Charles to Radley appearently when Alison was 11 months old Charles tried to drown her on a bath tub, Mr. D says that he went outside for a minute and when he came back Alison was on the bath tub with the water on, and Charles was just standing there watching her.

Also Spencer tells Sabrina if she can sell her pot, and she said she is not a dealer but she can shaer hers, so she made her some brownies and Ezra sees her, and we see Spencer in fragile state tellign Ezra that she need to shut her head, to shut down the noise and that she can't sleep i feel very bad for her. And also Aria had a very deep conversation with her dad at the end.

we also meet a new character: Clark, that may or may not be Aria's new love interest? 

we had an A scene: we see Charles on his classic black hoodie, sitting on his computer and we find out he put tracking devices on the girls, where? we still dont know i'm betting that it was inside her body's somewhere cause how else then?


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