sábado, 6 de junio de 2015


So Pretty Little Liars was back this past Tuesday with it's new season, after waiting two months and making theories after theories, and we are only 9 episodes left now for the big A reveal, and we only have one question in our minds: WHO THE FFF IS CHARLES DILAURENTIS? 
So here's a little recap while i'm saying my thoughts! lets begin:

The episode starts out a couple minutes before the finale 5x25 ended, the girls after the fake prom are running away trying to escape Charles and trying to get out of the dollhouse. But now we see it from a new perspective we see a mysterious blonde girl, with the yellow top drawing a sun on the wall and there's is also a lot of lines, like when you're counting how many days you have been in jail sort of thing and the whole wall is covered in that so she's been there a long time, we see her face and my first thought was Bethany Young. She watch the girls escape but doesn't even try to escape to or even talk to them which is weird cause she was not locked up. Maybe she is so scared of Charles she doesn't even try to escape or she knows the girls had no chance of escaping and she is right!

The girls get outside as we see in the finale but realize there is no way out cause there is a electric fence, Charles plays this song called "Don't fence me in" and Aria is saying how she is not going back there, but it seemed like she wouldnt be going inside again cause in that moment Charles closed the doors and don't let them in for the like two days, in rain, sun and freezing cold, without water nor food, Charles was not happy they tried to escape. Spencer point out something really IMPORTANT: She says she felt something familiar about Charles, like a pen pal or a cousin or someone you may have known were you were younger, so Spencer def has a connection to this Charles person! this could be a hint towards Wren, Jason or even Andrew (as much i hate to say andrew)

So after being out for like for two days Charles finally let thr girls in, he opens the door and they have no other choice but to come in, they are going through the hallway and the electricity goes off and they don't even realize Charles is right behind them.

And he just comes so close to them like i have never seen A come before, he release some kind of gas so they can passed out but not before he grabs Mona and puts her a gas mask just like the one he was wearing himself, this meaning obviously Mona is Alison (his favorite) and deserves a better treatment than the other ones. This scene was so scaring cause we have seen A just act when nobody is around and alone and seeing him just some steps in front of the girls and grabing Mona with his own hands it was just creepy! A like we have never seen him before.

When the girls wake up they are in a room of the dollhouse that seems to be like a morgue, they are pretty much naked just with blank sheet covering them (which makes me wonder who took of their clothes and bath them? was it mona? was it that sick bastard Charles?) is better no to think to much into that. So Aria is the first to wake up and then the other and they are so scared they had to check in to see if Charles didn't take out any organs out of them! then Spencer says that maybe they were there so Charles could send a message to their families so they think they are dead and they stop looking for them, PS: Somebody pointed out this could be a hint to Wren since he is a doctor and they are in a morgue with a lot of medical supplies.

Mona comes in, having her Ali personality back, the girls ask her what is going on and she says that she is scared to. That female voice says "go back to your rooms and find your surprises" so Mona leaves the room and the others follow her.

The Mona tells her that if they don't obey Charles he steals them at night and puts them in "the hole" so Mona goes into her room and the girls look at each other before going themselves into their rooms and at soon as the door closes behind them, we hear some horrible screams from the girls, like they are being torture a lot, but we don't ge to see what happened, cause it shows us then "three weeks later." PS: people had been pointing out that (because of the promo of 6x02) we are going to be having flashbacks of what happened to them, and people think that Charles make them choose who of their friends was going to be punished! that's psycho and horrible.

Then after the three weeks later we see Alison doing a press conference, and it seems that Andrew is the main suspect, and i dont know how the police went so fast to that conclusion, but i think we all know that they have made Andrew so suspicious that he can't possibly end up being Charles, not saying he is not involved but not Charles. Alison make a speech that is obviously a hint so Charles in this case Andrew contact her and the police can catch him.

So Alison is working with the police and they are waiting for Andrew to call, and Alison sees a shadow in the house and freaks out and everybody is pointing guns at it and it ends up being Jason, which was kinda weird to me cause he was just there like that second in the whole episode and they are pushing this twin thing so much ughhhh,

So then Alison receives a call from a blocked number the police tells her to pick up so she does and thena song starts playing and then the callers finish the call, the police locates the callers location and they realize the callers is right there in the house! So they leave Alison alone in a room with a police protecting the door and we see Toby going into Alison's room and watches a black hoodie just chilling there, Toby gets there and wayching this person is not responding he moves the chair and realizes is just a big doll with a pig mask on. The police notices Alison is gone of course cause the police in PLL are morons, and Toby points out that the song of the phone call is named "dont sit under the apple tree" and that her mom sing to him all the time ( Marion C. is mentioned!) so the police thinks Alison will be meeting Andrew at the Campbell farm and everyone is heading there.

But as we all know Alison is the queen of lies, all of it, the call, the doll with the mask and the song of the apple tree was just a plan to distract the police while Alison, Ezra and Caleb goes to the kissing rock where the real Charles will be waiting for Ali to arrive, cause Ali knows that if she goes with the police Charles will never cooparate with her. So personally i loved this team up, is weird to see them working together! Toby also was helping them!

Back in the dollhouse the doors of the rooms open up and we see the girls come out and they look so wrecked, Aria looks angry, Spencer and Emily looked broken but Hanna kinda looks like ashamed even, it was so heartbreaking to see, they don't even want to talk about it, They are also dressed up different. Charles dressed them up like they dressed up before Alison dissapeared, how the looked "that night" Aria has her pink hair, Spencer is dressed up all nerdy and Emily is sporty, except Hanna, i really don't know why or if this means something but it was weird, The female voice is saying "please proceed to Ali's room and prepare for arrival"

So maybe you're thinking where the hell is Mona?? we see her in what i supposed is "the hole" she was talking about, it's like a pit and is dark and dusty and we see a very broken Mona begging Charles to take her out and that she will be good but he doesn't even care, he let's her stay there even while she is screaming "dont leave me here dont leave me here!" and i thought i will never feel bad for Mona.

Back to Alison, Caleb and Ezra leave her on the woods and she is walking when she hears the song "Walking after midnight" playing and is coming from a car so she gets in and a voice tells her to go north so she starts driving, Ezra and Caleb are behind her. When she arrives to her destination the car she is in, conveniently runs out of gas (Really Charles can control gas too?) so she tries to contact emergencies from the car and a man's voice come in saying "all you need is in the truck of the car" and Alison's like what? so the voice goes again like "i said open the truck of the car Alison" which freaked me the fuck out! PS: people are saying this is either Pastor Ted, Peter or Byron's voice? what do you think?

Back to the Dollhouse the girls are in Ali's room and realize it has all of Ali's stuff in there and that they are preparing for Alison's arrival, the real Alison. So Hanna points  out two things: That Charles made them sign a welcome letter for Alison and that if the real Alison is coming does that means Charles won't be needing Mona anymore. Also the girls realize Charles had been stealing their stuff for years and that he wants them to stay there forever and practically live with him in his dollhouse like his personal doll, meaning Charles has been up to this since Mona was "A" 

We see the police are working and one of them is watching the TV and we see two important things first of all Radley is CLOSED permanently, someone new buy it, who do you think could have bought Radley, just in this time? and then it turns into the reporters at Alison's press conference and the police sees that behind there is a man who looks a lot like Andrew so they freeze the image and screenshot his car plate, do you think this is Andrew? could he be that stupid to show himself in a place full of reporters and camaras? cause if he is the run he is guilty of something right?

Also something more about Andrew we see Tanner going into "Andrew Campbell evidence" and she is reading a journal that supposedly belongs to Andrew and what is says in there it just straight up creepy, if Andrew really wrote this i will be so done, cause it looks more like something Charles will write? but hey maybe Andrew is cuckoo too! or maybe he is writing a book just like Ezra,!! (TOTAL SARCASM) 

The girls are going through Ali's stuff and Spencer finds out a toy that has the initials C.D on them, she doesnt tells the girls about it. Then they read some paper articles about their families and Aria says that their familes doesn't even know they are alive and she could not imagine what they are going through become of them so she storms out like Aria always does and points out at the camara to Charles a tells him she is going to kill him for what he is doing to their families.

Then one of the saddest scenes of the whole episode, Hanna reads in the paper that her mother has been so worried and anxious about her dissapearence that it made her physically ill and she is the hospital, she is crying and Spencer and the others doesn't even know what to say, this part personally made me cry, cause the last thing you want in this world is to make your mom cry or ill, and i'm supposed to feel sorry for Charles????

Spencer has had enough of that bullshit after she sees Hanna cries so very quietly she tells the girls that they are goint to get out of that hell place that very night, and also she reveals the bomb to them that Charles is a Dilaurentis.

Ezra and Caleb get to the place where they find the car Alison was driving but she is no there anymore they see the trunk is open so they go and see that inside it there is the clothes Alison was wearing and a welcome card, they opened it and a voice says " put this on and leave everything behind or they die" but Alison is not a dumb girl she left her shoes in the direction she went so when Caleb and Ezra came they would know where direction she went! 

Spencer tells the girls her plan, she says there is no way for Charles to appear and dissapear so fast, that there must be a entrance to his vault, a secret one. They find it and get into his vault or his "he has a soul" room like they called it and thet start watching the video, of mrs. D and the two boys, we don't get to see nothing new on this video.

Spencer goes straing to the camara and tells Charles "GAME ON CHARLES" like a badass and starts to fire up the only thing that will ever tell her who the hell is the charles, she burns the damn video, and tells Charles that they want Mona back and they start crashing the hole place down and even Aria tells him " say goodbye to your soul"

while this is happening Alison is in Charles property and she is wearing the yellow top and the whole outfit that she wear the night she dissapeared.

and then one of the funniest scences ever (for me at least) we see a very confused Charles at his vault, he is watching the girls crashing and burning his vault and memories down while on another computer he is watching Alison and he can't decide what to do, he's like: memories, ali, memories, ali,????? and he is just freaking out and then we see him get up really pissed off and walking off his vault,

The fire is getting bigger and just now the girls ask themselves that maybe burning the place where you are and have escape of is a really stupid idea after all, so they see a curtain and they pull it down so they can try to cease the fire down and when they do it, there is a glass window and at the other side we see charles? well it was someone in a black hoodie. People are saying they were two black hoodies on the dollhouse but i disagree and here's why: first that seemed like a doll to me, it didnt even move! and second if they is actually two people in this dollhouse that are A or working together why didnt one get the girls and stop the fire and the other on went to get Ali? doesnt make sense!

Charles decides he wants his memories more than Alison, he activates the fire alarm and the girls escape the room. Caleb, Ezra and Alison listen the alarm and watch the smoke coming from underground.

The girls find Mona and let her out of the hole. Ezra, Caleb and Alison find another entrance to the dollhouse and opened the doors just in the time so the girls come out. They escaped the dollhouse and they reunited with their boyfriends and it was a very cute scence. Toby and Spencer kiss and Spencer tells Toby that she has a name and Toby is like " I know it's Andrew bae and we are going to get him" and Spencer's like " IS NOT ANDREW MOTHERFUCKER IS FUCKING CHARLES DILAURENTIS"

The police enters the dollhouse and find out there is another girl inside. They find her and she is obviously scare so the the police asks her name and she says: " I'm Sara.....Sara Harvey"

WHAT THE FFFFFFF????? i was so sure this was Bethany Young like, she was drawing and Bethany is so much important to the plot than Sara (if you don't know who Sara Harvey is watch this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDmYXEr-kzc )

do you believe this is Sara? or was she brainwashed by Charles to say that? could this be Bethany Young?

And the episode ends with a Emison scence, Emily asks Alison: "who is Charles Dilaurentis?"
Yeah Emily we had that same question on our mind.

TO END: i think guys is safe  to say Ezra, Caleb and Toby are not Charles cause if you watch this episode the timeline would not make sense. On my list i still have: Wren ( he is still possible) Jason and as much as i hate to say it, Andrew!


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