domingo, 14 de junio de 2015


So as you know (unless you have been living under a rock)  The Mortal Instruments 6-book series is being adapted into a TV show after the movie flopped at the box office.

The thing about the movie is that it was, fairly accurate. It followed the order of the events juts like in the book (plot-wise)  and they casted actors that physically fit the descriptions written from the books. So you're wondering then: why did this movie flopped so bad? It was how the people judged the actors appearances such as: Lily's hair color, Jamie's physique, Magnus lack of pants, Simon was not a rat, short Izzy, old Alec and so on, and, on obviously the chessyness(is that a word?) and the romances and the pop music in the background and how they did left out important details like The Clave, the fact Alec and Jace are parabatais, Jace relationship with the Lightwoods, not explaining the runes, WAS ISABELLE EVEN A CHARACTER? and obviously how they did the ending with the exploding Portal and snowflakes and suicidal Valentine and i was just a MESS, please Valenine was a crazy pirate and was still hotter than Jace, give me a break.

So Constantin Film decided to reinvent the franchise into a TV show on ABC Family, which a lot of people didn't like (including myself) cause i just think that Shadowhunters would have been better on a network like The CW, but let's dont lose hope and let me reassure those who still have doubts about the show being on ABC Family:

The person who is directing/co-producing the show is McgsWonderland. 

This guy produced 'Supernatural' on the CW which is a very popular show and has gained million and millions of fans along the years it has been on and is going 11 season strong. He also directed the Charlie's Angels movies who are also very popular. He has been posting a lot of BTS pictures of the cast on Twitter so you should def follow him and also follow Ed Decter which is working along McG and he also posts pictures! 
Mcg ----- @McGsWonderland
Ed ------- @EDecter
 director wise we are in good hands!

Now let's talk about our main cast:

I think we can all agree that these casting choice are absolutely ON POINT ( look wise). I mean we do have the important details, Asian Magnus (Harry Shum Jr), tall/broody Alec (Matthew Daddario), short/red headed Clary (Katherine McNamara), blond/ conventionally attractive Jace (Dominic Sherwood), dark-haired/sexy Isabelle (Emeraude Toubia), and cinammon bun/ too aborable for this world Simon (Alberto Rosende). I know a lot of people are still attached to the movie cast but let me tell you there has never been a more well assembled cast that this one! they are perfect for their role!

Some issues that have been floating around about this cast:

1. Alec's blue eyes/sweaters/tattered clothes. A few days ago Mcg posted this picture of Alec/Matt and Izzy/Emeraude

Which i feel that they look absolutely perfect, but people were saying that it seems that Alec has blue eyes in this picture meaning the actor Matthew Daddario is wearing contacts cause his eye color is really green, but it seems that they just look blue because of the filter used in this picture, so he is NOT wearing blue eye contacts, sorry to dissapoint you. I know the blue eyes are important because this is connected to Magnus and another great character (Will Herondale) but EYE COLOR do not define a character guys! Matthew Daddario is being more and more accepeted everyday as Alec so it's alright and also think about that if the TMI show is no succesful we aren't getting any Infernal Devices cameos.

About his clothes i dont know if Alec is going to be wearing sweaters cause till this point we have only saw him on the black shadowhunters clothing but in this picture he is wearing tattered sleeves so that's something! we just gotta wait and see.

2. Izzy's clothes and the lack of the red pendant: 
After McG posted this picture of Isabelle at Pandemonium ( 1. picture down below) a lot of fans started going crazy about how she was being over sexualized in the show, while other said that it was fine cause Isabelle was describe as sexy in the books and that the clothes match her character. Both views are correct yet wrong. Its NOT okay to oversexualize a female/male character just to get more viewers for a TV show but is also NOT okay to slut shame a character that is described as sexy. Let's all remember the show is going to be modernized (the books were written back in 2007) and considering the characters will be aged up and in a all aged club the outfit fits the setting. Her hair is a wig, I REPEAT A WIG, it comes off don't over react and about the people saying how will the demon don't see her runes, the show will be discussing glamours so maybe that's how she covers them but also a few days ago Mcg posted another picture (2. picture down below) which shows Izzy with her wig in a large coat so maybe thats how she will be convering the runes and then she takes the coat away when she fights. About the pendant the writers said it was coming, so maybe another character (Maryse or maybe even Camille gives Izzy the necklace)

3. Clary's clothes/ heels ( STILL dont understand why clothing is such a big deal but okay)
after this pictures were posted:

Clary seems to be wearing what could be a modern female shadowhunter gear, people were complaing about how Clary doesnt dress like that till book 4, and her style is more normal and classic. Clary didn't dress 'normal' all the time she could pulled off some very sexy outfits along the book. I think its about time Clary get her chance to headline the badass and cool front she always wanted to be! And don't worry Isabelle and Clary's characters are going to be different! plus we have seen Clary with her normal clothes, the black ones are when she goes to clubs and parties, i dont know about you but i wouldnt go to a club in my converse/tennis shoes am i right?

4. Simon HOTness : about this i will keep it simple: WHEN A ACTOR HAS ABBS YOU NEVER COMPLAIN, NEVER.

And the last thing I want to say about the issues is the people ho have a very strong opinion on why the cast is racially mixed and are complaining about that, you have to know that you a very limited world view and grew up that way, and should probably keep your opinion to yourselves cause like it or not the world doesn't revolves around white people and yes i know Cassandras main characters are all white but when it comes to Tv shows they have to have people from other cultures so they will attract more audience and give them a chance. And i find it funny how you call yourself a shadowhunter fan and at the same time are racist considering how one of the main villains (Valentine) was so racist towards downworlders or anyone who was not a shadowhunter.

Now, let's talk about some changes we know about the PILOT

Magnus Bane will own the Pandemonium Club: maybe the club will be the meeting place for this people, or the Institute. I think the producers want to establish really quick who is team good and team bad so people don't get lost with this complicated story for people who havent read the books.

So according to MTV they will meet at Pandemonium and so this is how i think it's going to go down, the episode is goign to start with Clary going to this art school like a normal day which happens to be her birthday too. 

Then she meets with Simon at Java Jones (picture 1 below)  and that's where he convinces her to go this club ( Pandemonium) to celebrate her birthday, so she says yes and goes back home changes and maybe we see her with Jocelyn, Jocelyn gives her a gift or something like that, Simon picks her up and they leave for the club. (second picture) 

When they get there they go in, (we might see the hot guy Clary follow, we may not?) and they get in and just like in the books Clary will see Jace, Alec and Izzy ( NOTE: me might see Magnus in Pandemonium too, see picture 1 below)  trying to attack the demon and Clary will interrupt them and it seems that maybe the demon will try to escape? cause there will be a massive fight scene at the Pandemonium according to the rumors and the videos Mcg posted of Jace fighting so maybe Clary will see all of this and then she will try to go away ( leaving Simon behind) and Jace will follow her outside Pandemonium (2 picture below) that's when Jace probably tell her she is not a mundane or something along those lines and have that conversation where she asks him about what's going on and then Clary  receives her mom's phone call telling her not to got the apartment, and when she steals Jace sensor that will later on help her kill the demon.

Clary either calls or goes to Luke's office, considering he is a NYPD cop and something tells me he either isnt there or doesn't believe her or doesnt want to help her. So obviously she goes alone to ther apartment and finds it wrecked, and that's where the demon attacks her and she kills it with Jace's sensor but she passes out because of the venom in the demon's blood.

She passes out and Jace goes in there and takes her in his arms:

and he will take her to the Institute were she will wake up and see Jace, Alec and Izzy and the episode is probably going to end there with her being all confused.

We might see some flashbacks maybe, but that's how i think it will go!

And some other last things:

-They will introduce characters from other books like Camille and Meliorn which we know it's true because they already casted Camille (

-Meliorn becomes involved with two characters, using one for information: probably Isabelle and Magnus. ( this is NOT confirmed, just guessing)

-Someone is held hostage by the vampires in an attempt to learn more about the Cup: most likely Simon, though i don't think they will turn him into a rat either in the show,

- The city of bones is visited: just like in the books the Jace and Clary go in attempt to learn more about her memories.


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