jueves, 18 de junio de 2015


So i was going to do a recap and my thoughts on the last two episodes ( 6X02 & 6X03) but nothing really interesting happen in this episodes, they were not really that good, so i decided i should do a unanswered questions post to prove to all this people saying "we are getting answers" to re analize their statement and see the amount of things that are still not answer! Marlene King and whoever the other writers are take notes please!

PS: the only things we got from those episode were: That Sara Harvey is alive ( Which like a lot of people think and i do too, i don't think she is Sara Harvey, so that's not a concrete answer), in case you didn't know the obvious Andrew is not Charles (like seriously who thought he was?) and Andrew might or might not be adopted, Charles might be might not be dead? NO CONCRETE ANSWERS!

so now let's start with THE important questions:

1. Where's Maya? is she really dead? if she is who killed her and why? if she is not dead where is she? (well there's like 5 fucking questions in this one)
2. Who THE FUCK killed Ian and wrote that suicide note? for real this has been bothering since season 2!
3. Why did Ian wanted to kill Spencer that night at the Bell Tower?
4.Who killed Garret?
5. What did Maya knew?
6. Who pulled Maya at that video when she was at Noel's Cabin?
7.What was her (maya) connection to Noel and Jenna?
8. Who's body was in the ice container in the Halloween train, it wasnt Alison obviously so who?
9. All this teeths, bones, finger bones we keep seeing, who are of?
10. Who did Jason pay $50000 to? and what information did they give to him?
11. And why did Ezra has that amount of money in his drawer just after this?
12. Why did Peter Hastings burned that hockey stick for? who is he protecting?
13. If Alison was backwards and didn't saw who hit her then how does she knows she was hit by a rock?
14, WHO hit Alison in the head?
15. WHO hit Bethany in the head?
16. Who mas Mrs. D protecting?
17. Why is there so many freaking yellow tops?
18. What does Alison had on Noel Kahn?
19. Who did Aria hit with the screwdriver when she was in that box?
20. Who were those suits on Ezra's lair? (he never wear them so?)
21. Who is beach hottie?
22. Is Ezra really board shorts?
23. What's up with all the apple references? pig references?
24. Why did Toby try to hit Lucas with his car?
25. Who is the creepy boy in the doll shop talking about when he said two people were their a man and a women with dark hair?
26. Why does Wren was coloring a Red Coat in that drawing?
27. Who did Wren called when he said "we have a problem...." on 4X10?
28.Why was the term "DR" in quotation marks on Wren's name in the police board?
29. How does he (wren)  be a doctor in a lot of areas?
30, What's with that "that was before i realize where your loyalties were" conversation between Mona and Wren?
31. If Ezra has that much information from his research, why not help the girl way before?
32, Who killed Marion Cavanaugh?
33, Who was the blond girl Dr. Palmer was refering to?
34. What was Mrs.D connection to Bethany?
35. Who was Bethany talking about in those tapes?
36. Who is the other Red Coat?
37. So who took the game from Mona? Charles or Red Coat?
38. Who is Black Veil?
39, Who is Varjak?
40. Is this people connected somehow? are they the same person? are they working for Charles?
41. In that A ending where we see 2 black hoodies and they spin a bottle and it lands on Aria, one black hoodie changes it to Spencer......why?
42. Who started the fire in the at the cabin?
43. What were Melissa, Jenna, Shana planning to do?
44. Who hit Toby in the head in the forest while the cabin was on fire?
45. Who pulled the other girls out, we know Ali pulled Hanna, and the others?
46. Who killed Jessica Dilaurentis and why?
47. Who is Dr. Sullivan's son?
48. Why was Wren trying to contact Spencer with a blocked number?
49. Why did Ezra has a picture of Spencer and Wren in an art gallery but on his board he put they were in Radley? why put false imformation about Wren?
50. What is Mona's real motive'
51. What did Eddie Lamb knew?
52. Where the hell is Eddie Lamb?
53. Why was Wilden killed?
54. Everything about the NAT club.
55, Why did Wren had Shana packed his stuff?
56. Why was Cece on Ezra's payroll?
57. Why was Cece spying on Ezra and Aria in a black hoodie?
58. Who was this cabin Ezra had his new lair in?
59, What is the real reason Wren let Cece into Radley to see Mona?
60. What did Toby did when he was in London?
61. Why was Cece kicked out of college?
62. Who pushed that girl off the stairs in that frat party? 
63. Who else knew Alison was alive?
64. What happened to Cyrus?
65. WHO was the person who shot Ezra in that rooftop ( I DONT CARE what you say that was a man and it was not Shana okay)
66. Who was Mrs. D talking to on the phone the night Ali dissapear?
67. Who has Ezra's book?
68. Was Alison really pregnant?
69. Who did she have that pregancy scared with?
70. Who smashed that car and wrote LIAR! on it?
71. Who tried to kill Jasona and Emily in that elevator?
72. Who put those knives in Jake's punching bag?
73. Why was Alison trying to collect a lot of money the days before she dissapeared?
74, What did Alison did in those 2 years she was missing?
75. Is Charles actually a Dilaurentis?
76. Why was Ian not surprised when he saw Alison on the bell tower?
77. Why was Ezra and Wren at Alison's funeral? (pilot)
78. Why did Melissa and Ian rush to get married?
80. That bloody knife Toby found that was supposedly Mona's murder weapom, if Mona is alive then how this where this knife came from?
81, Who attacked Mona on her house?
82. What did Jason did when he said he was on rehab?
83. The twin GIRLS reference how this all come to play with the Charles thing?
84. Is Andrew really adopted?

So this are the ones i could think of, but guys this is just the tip of the iceberg there are so more questions that are not being answered and need to!


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