jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

Let's talk about the Arrow Season 3 Finale


So let's break down what happened on the episode and while i'm breaking down i will say what i think.

So the episode starts off with Oliver and Ra's on the plane to Starling City to release the bio weapon/virus. We see The Arrow team obviously NOT dead (we all saw that coming Arrow writers) and Merlyn apparenly injected them with the cure before Ra's throwed the virus in there (duh)

Then we see Barry/The Flash in Nanda Parbat to save the Arrow Team! and this was one of the best parts of the whole episode cause Barry had time to say some chokes and the one about the jacuzzi killed me! but as fast as he came he left, fast....see what i did there? haha no? okay. So yeah he free them and they leave.

Oliver sabotages the plane he is on with Ra's and Nyssa really fast to be honest and easy and obviously Ra's escape with the virus, We get to see Oliver and Nyssa as a team, they are trying to get the plane on safe ground, and i think they would made a pretty badass couple what do you think? and she kinda protects them when they are back with the rest of the team.....and well they are still married right?

The Arrow's team is back at it a they are all trying to help stop Ra's before he infects all Starling City with the virus.

The episodes was going really well, they even had this bad ass scence in where everyones is like knocking down guards and shit at the same time, 

but then obviously it started to get really annoying, and i'm going to say this i used to be a huge Olicity fan but now their relantionship is so annoying, Felicity just cries and complains about Oliver's decisions and they used to be funnier when they were just teasing. But let's move on, then Diggle catch a guy with a metal box, and the guy somehow get's Diggle's gun and is about to shoot him when BOOM :

we see Thea as SPEEDY for the first time, and i almost died guys, one of my favorite parts, People are wondering what is going is Speedy going to take Arsenal's place? will Roy return? well Colton Haynes said he will be starting in some episode on season 4 but not a main character just as a guest, so idk how are they going to pull it out, and Oliver kinds of confirms it at the end when Thea asks him is she could called herseld "The Red Arrow" and Oliver says that he told everyone to call her "Speedy"

Almost at the end of the episode Oliver fight Ra's al Ghul again and it was a very poor and boring fight i will have to say, and it seemed like Ra's is going to kill Oliver...........again. But somehow Oliver moves really quickly takes Ra's sword and kill him., well wasn't that easy? one thing i did like though was that Oliver says to Ra's the same poem Ra's said to him when he almost killed him on the mid season finale and he uses the same sword, that sword even still has Oliver's blood in it! and then the police shoots Oliver (shocker: he survives)

Apparently he survives cause he had like an armor inside his clothes(cliche....) and when he is shot he falls like to a waterfall? and we see the Atom suits rescued him and surprise surprise is not Ray wearing the suit ..... 

....it's Felicity. i imagined that they wanted to be funny but i't was creepy and unnecessary.

About the flashbacks i feel like the flashbacks this season were the worst they were so boring and annoying and they spend the whole season on those damn flashbacks just to tell us about that damn virus, they were horrible, but on this episode at the end, there's on the flashback a scence where Oliver is leaving Hong Kong, and he's about to get in a ship and the ship says:

No is not Wallace Shipping Inc, or Triton's daugther you are supposed to be focusing on!! The boat says "Coast City, U.S.A" and for those of you who don't know Coast City... CC is the home of Green Lantern. What does this has to do with arrow? nothing? everything? we don't know, just putting that out there.

THE Arrow team breaking up, and everyone going their separare ways, i felt a little bit sad, Diggle saud goodbye to Oliver and Felicity who are finally together and Oliver says for the moment he doesn't want to be The Arrow and he wants to be with Felicity and be........someone else.

Ray Palmer kind of left us hanging cause we saw his office blew off, but i heave heard he is like leaving for another show? i'm not sure but we'll see.

As the villain that he is Malcom Merlyn always had plan since the begging and it was that he will hel Oliver break the League of Assassins from inside so Oliver could become Ra's al Ghul and pass the power to Merlyn cause Oliver is not interested in being Ra's.........clever.

AND THE MOST CORNY AND  MOST CLICHE ENDING YOU COULD IMAGINE: Oliver and Felicity in a car both laughing and Oliver saying: "can i say something strange? I'm happy" and they went to the sunset. 
i'm not even lying that's what really happened guys!


Can i say something strange Oliver? this season sucked.
Well it didn't exactly suck but it was the worst of the three seasons and i really hope Arrow picks up in a different tone for season 4, i will still watch the show cause i love the Arrow, but that ending was not what i expected.

I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THE RECAP, and tell me what do you thought about the season finale? does Arrow deserves a chance?

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