jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015


So I'm going to be breaking down the promo if you haven't watch you can do it right now, is just 30 seconds! 

Now we are ready to begin breaking it down!

  1. So first we have a shot of A's/Charles shoes going in a place that seems to be very dirty or maybe a very isolated place, it could be in the dollhouse but we don't really know. 
2. As soon as the promo starts we hear Mona singing this really creepy song, it's a baby's song i know, is the "Hush Little Baby" and she sing the part where the songs says "hush little baby don't say a word, mama's gonna buy a mockingbird" YET AGAIN another BIRD reference. We see Mona on what seems to be a pit or something like that, she has the yellow top on, so it could be... one: after she and the girls went outside and then come back in Charles isolated Mona as a punishment or second: that is just a flasback of what Mona had to deal with those months she was there with Charles, and that could be the place Charles was coming in, on the first shot.

3. Then we see the girls outside, exactly where 5x25 ended. They are covering themselves with a sheet or something maybe a part of a dress from the rain. This makes me think obviously Charles knew they tried to escape, that's why he played that song at the end when they realized there was no way out, so as a punishement for trying to escape the Dollhouse Charles closed the doors and made them stay out in the pouring rain all night. 

4. Then we see them going back in to the dollhouse after being all night outside. 

5. Then one of the creepiest shots ever we see the girls in the hall of the dollhouse and they look so tired and hungry and just scared, their dresses are ruined and covered on dirt their makeup is off and we see that Charles is back on his black hoodie and he is really closed to them and the girls don't seem to notice he is just right behind them, so maybe he just appears, looks at them and then goes back where he came from or maybe he jus walks pass by them idk, it could go some many ways! lol A is crazyyy!

6. Then we hear someone screaming " NO NO NO" i think the person screaming this is Spencer cause it sounds like her and we see her on this shot she is going in into her fake room with it seems like a towel so maybe Charles allowes them to take a shower at least. She seems very scared when she screams no no no, so wonder what does Spencer sees that makes her scream like that, any thoughts?

7. Then we see Aria going through Alison's/Mona clothes and there are like 3 yellow tops and i really hope the PLL producers explain how did Charles manage to get so many of those damn yellow tops. Could this yellow tops be the only 3 ones maybe? Allison's? Bethany and Cece?

8.It seems like when Aria is looking through that closet she moves the clothes and at the back of the closet they find something that says "He's going to kill me -M" so the it seems obviously that Mona was the one who wrote that but we have never heard Mona refer to A as a HE, so that makes me think that either Mona already knows who Charles is or it was not Mona who wrote that. Some people believe there are more people on this dollhouse not just the girls, some people say the M stands for Maya, other people say Marion, some people think Bethany is on the dollhouse, Paige or Eddie Lamb, what do you think? 

9. So we see Aria looking over to Spencer and we see Aria have her pink streaks BACK, and we see Spencer in a those geometric print sweaters she wore before, so it makes me think Charles is going to recreate "THAT NIGHT" when Alison went missing, and that is how we are going to know what really happened that night like the whole story! I'm really curious to why is that night so important to Charles, hopefully we find out who hit Alison, who mas Mrs. D protecting, who hit the other two girls that were buried that night, who was the one pulled out? was it Bethany? SO MANY QUESTIONS! 

10. So in the next shot we see the girl's in Hanna's room i think and it seems to me that Charles in not watching them 24/7 just when that camara has the red light means he is watching them, so when he's not there they reunited to investigate and they seem to be reading a paper and Aria looks pissed and is about to do something so the other girls hold her and they look up and see Charles is back and watching them cause of the red light in the camera,

11. So Charle's vault on the Campbell farm is not available anymore so bet he has another vault in the dollhouse or maybe somwhere else. 

12. Then we see Alison, she has short hair and she is walking on like a forest on the yellow top, just like the night she dissapeared. So my thoughts are Charles send her a text to meet him at the outsides of the dollhouse or in some creepy forest saying that if she doesn't come e will hurt the girls or never release them or if she calls the police so i think Alison goes and we see him watching her or maybe the one watching is not Charles, maybe is his helper and he is there to meet Alison, i think he kidnaps her and take her to the dollhouse, Alison looks very surprise so maybe Charles is not with the mask, and Alison finally knows who he is.

12. Then we see someone passing food through a hole on a door, like they do on prisions on asylums when someone had a bad behavior, they take them to places like that and pass the food through the floor, we hear Spencer saying "Mona is that you? MONA" the promo makes you think is Mona and it could be i mean she is wearing the same clothes and the blonde wig, some people say is Alison, well i don't think so cause Alison's hair is short now and this girl has long hair, Mona could be, but the skin tone is a little bit lighter than Mona's, so could this girl be Bethany? or some other girl Charles dressed up as Alison? 

13. We see OFFICER TOBY IN ACTION!. We see Toby with a gun and a flashlight going in into Alison's bedroom on the Dilaurentis house (NO is not in the dollhouse, if look closely the hall is decorated and it has green wall like a normal house, and as we all know the dollhouse hall is not decorated) He goes in and there is someone sitting on a rocking chair wearing a black hoodie, i really don't think this is Charles sitting in there but i think it could be one of Charle's helpers or one of the girls, maybe Mona or something to distract the police, as for why Toby is in there, probably this is after Charles kidnaps Alison so he is investigating on her house and he heards someone on Alison's room. 

14. almost at the end we get  shot of the creey hall on the dollhouse and we heard someone screaming "Please don't leave me here" at the beggining i thought this was Mona cause we see her trapped right but after watching this promo 36457236 times i realized, well i think is not Mona, i think Alison is the one screaming this, i feel like Charles kidnaps Ali and now that he has the original Alison he doesn't need Mona or any other girl that reminds him of Alison and he releases them and that's why Alison is telling them "please don't leave me here" cause Charles just wants her now.

15, And Finally we see the hashtag #SummerofAnswers and i really hope this is true cause we have been waiting so much for this answers and i really hope they answer them since season 1, really hope so. And we have the logo and we hear Mona singing "Mamma is going to buy you a looking glass" and that is a Alice in Wonderland reference, aka the writer's real name is Charles so yet another Charles and bird reference, wonder their connection.


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