lunes, 4 de mayo de 2015



PLACE: The Campbell farm
WOMAN : Jessica Dilaurentis.
·         I think is safe to say this is Jessica, I don’t think they will go with the twin thing with her but I think for sure that’s her.

1         BOY(tall one/short hair) : Charles Dilaurentis.
·         this is the boy mrs. D says to “ kiss your little sister” so we know for sure this boy and the baby girl are siblings.
·         This boy is wearing a sweater with a geometric print on it.
·         This boy looks a little bit older if not the same age as the other one. This kid look around 5-6 years old, so if this kids right now must 23-24-25 years old.
·         I think this boy is Charles because he has pictures of this boy alone on one part of his vault so it maybe is him as a kid, and has we know Charles is  Big A cause Marlene confirmed it and she instagram this

·         FIRST SUSPECT:  Wren Kingston
·         Because of the clothes, we see Wren wearing a similar sweater on the pilot, he could be our first suspect. PROBLEM IN THIS OPTION: Wren does not have big blue eyes like our boy but he could be wearing contacts and dye his hair. CLUES: He is def on the age group, we don’t really know a lot about his past, his relevance was at the top on season 3 since he started to work at Radley and we he is one of the two only characters that talked about a member on his family suffering from a mental illness, plus he very weird drawing of the farm and the woman in a red coat. He is missing, an they keep mentioning him.
·         Marlene King tweetend : “An apple a day does not keep A away” and the real statement is “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Wren is a doctor as far as we know, for me that’s a massive clue.
·         ON THE DOLLHOUSE 5X25 : we see an “A”  on Wren’s apartment(5x22) and we see a poster on the Dollhouse very similar to the one  we saw earlier on season 1 on wren’s apartment.



APARTMENT HINTS (Mona had an A on her room too and she was the original A)

 Julian Morris as a kid.
 The drawing, could be his or Bethany’s cause we know she liked to draw so maybe had a connection to bethany?

·         SECOND SUSPECT: My second choice has to be Toby Cavanaugh, because physically he looks a lot like the boy he got the hair and the blue eyes.

·         PROBLEM WITH THIS OPTION: Toby is 1 or maybe 2 years older than the girls and if that baby girl is in fact Alison then is impossible that this boy is Toby, and also if the other boy is Jason then is also impossible cause Jason is older than Toby almost 4 years and this two boys are almost the same age. So the AGES DON’T MATCH,plus we know Charles wa planning a prom that happened 7 years ago. This could be only possible if Toby was lying about his age, could be possible. Toby is 19 years old as we know and Bethany was 17 at the time of her death, so she would be now 19 years old she could be twins with Toby but Toby is not the boy in the video then, we don’t know is the boy in the video is in fact Charles though but is pretty obvious so then Toby could not be Charles.
·         CLUES: the physical appearance obviously plus we know Toby’s mother (Marion Cavanaugh) was killed by someone in Radley and makes me think that Toby and his family has something to do in this mess. We don’t really know Toby’s father and he was weird since season 1, he joined the A team and became a cop very soon. He went to London and we never got to see what he did, and on the 5x25 episode we saw A’s shoes and then them show us a weird shot of Toby’s shoes.

“C.Cavanaugh” could it refers to Charles Cavanaugh maybe? Could Charles be actually a Cavanaugh or maybe he was in fact a Dilaurentis and got problems so their parents gave him for adoption and end up in the Cavanaugh family? ( going to make a theory about it)

THIRD SUSPECTS: Andrew Campbell or Ezra Fitz.
ANDREW: this one have no really strong clues that will make him Charles but he def still in there …..shady.They are in the Campbell farm, and that’s his last name, he is blonde and blue eyed but like Toby the ages does not match with Charles, but he is def involved.
EZRA: I don’t trust ezra at all, he could be Charles though, his age match, we know he is a creep and was obssessed with Alison and he has computer skills, he has the money and has blue eyes. Personally I thought that maybe Ezra could be A, for a lot of reasons he was my suspect number 1, but if he is not Charles he is def involved and helping him, he’s just too shady!

Charles maybe?

 5x25(at the dollhouse)                                                                                     

  3x21( ezra’s apartment)

 seems familiar…

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