martes, 5 de mayo de 2015


So tonight i decided to watch some videos on youtube about how people were reacting to the news of the new ShadowHunter TV show and i was really pissed of by one video/person in especific there is this girl named "Member of the Clave" on Youtube and she do not agree on show because she says that they should respect the actors that played on that movie and not replaced them so fast. So as you know the movie adaptation of the first book ( The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones) came out back on 2013 and well it basically flopped. Why? well i don't blame the cast though i think they are amazing actors but they just didn't capture the essence of the characters, i think the only one of them that truly amazed me was Robert Sheenan who played Simon Lewis I think he really capture Simon essence, Lily Collins as Clary was good too, and Jamie Campbell Bower as Jace could have been better ( I love Jamie's work i
just don't like him as Jace) but Isabelle, Alec were horrible representations i mean we didn't get to see that happy and explosive side of Isabelle and Alec i feel like didn't even talk in the entire movie and Magnus (My favorite character in the series) was what? 1.2 seconds on that movie? we didn't ge to see that mean/funny/sarcastic humor he has nd worst of all we didn't even have a little bit of Alec and Magnus relantionship! so yeah the movie sucked, and i blame the producers. So back to the girl she said that the new cast was not good enough forher cause Isabelle was portrayed by a dark skin girl........ that's is so racist. I very optimistic to what this cast can really offer us, and i don't why is people complaining that movie,half the cast was british and american and canadian? so why are you worried about? We should not compare casts okay we all have different opinions but some people are so out of line, like how many people get the chance of having a movie that flopped and then get a second chance with a TV show? you should be grateful and for the old cast i bet they have other projects so i don't think they'll care that much. I'm happy for Cassandra Clare that her book series are gettting the recognition they deserved The Mortal Instruments and all of her sagas are aamzing! and the fact they are naming the show "Shadowhunters" makes me wonder if we can see some things of the Infernal Devices Trilogy too, that will be awesome. So yeah i just wanted to put that out i really have high expectactions about this show and let's hope we don't get dissapointed as it happen with the movie, in my next post, i will post some youtubers that I actually liked why they got to say so yeah! that's all.

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