*Side note: The producers of the show said on recent interviews that they will have a very exciting way to introduce new characters so if you already know what that is, great, if not just wait i will explain it down below*
The Reverse Flash refuses to tell Barry what started their fight in the first place. They probably will leave it for another episode, so this conversation was about Thawne explaining that he killed Nora Allen because he knew he will never defeat The Flash, he went there to kill young Barry but the future Barry followed him and saves young Barry so Thawne decide to kill Nora to create a dramatic experience so Barry never becames The Flash, but then he is stuck in the past and the only way to go back is to create The Flash again, that's some irony.

Ronnie proposes to Caitlin Snow. This relantionship was on and off through all the season, i don't know if they are going to last, maybe, but with Robbie Amell as Firestorm is he going to be on DC's Legends of Tomorrow? so how is that going to work out? i don't know will see.
Barry's Dad tell him not to save her mom.
Everyone was just telling Barry to do what he wanted and to follow his heart and all that, his Dad was one of the few people that told him don't do this, even if it means saving your mother what will it cost? and man does scences where Barry talks almost crying to his Dad or with Joe, those ones get me every time :(
The Reverse Flash explains time travel.
It's actually funny that time travel was what the particle accelerador was actually supposed to do. Barry Allen running fast enough in one direction in a hydrogen particle at the opposite direction will allow him to time travel.
Cisco asking questions to Wells like how does he fit his suit on that little ring is always funny and here come a very WTFFF moment. The Reverse Flash teases "VIBE".
Cisco tells Wells he remembers when he killed him in an alternate universe/timeline wtr you want to call it, obviously Wells doesn't know what he is talking about cause Barry went back in time kind of erase that day so it never happens but Cisco remebers, which means that he can sense things from other timelines and universes, and i feel Cisco will be a huge key to Season 2, and this is why:
The big hole at the end of the episode is the new way the producers are using to introduce new villains/characters to the show. This hole comes to be like a portal to other universes and timelines, this is called the Multiuniverse. So we will have different characters from different times and universes meeting with our cast. This for a chance:
The Jay Garrick helmet just flew out of the hole meaning it came from obvioulsy another timeline/universe.
Eddie Thawne dies.
So this was a huge "NOOOOO ijustfellfrommyfuckingchair moment" Eddie kills himself to save Barry, he shots himself because as we all know he is related to Eaobard Thawne aka The Reverse Flash and if he dies then that means The Reverse Flash was never born therefore doesn't exist. I don't think we will see Eddie at least not right now, but i don't think he is gone forever.
When Barry is going back in time to save her mother he is stuck like in the Multiuniverse thing and he get's to see the past, present and future so he saw very interesting things but this my friends is the best. WE GOT A TEASE OF KILLER FROST. In case you don't know Caitlin Snow is Killer Frost in the comics i think we will see her on Season 2, but like we will see good Cailtlin and Killer Frost Cailtlin together, do you follow? Killer Frost will come from another timeline into the timeline of our Flash Team.
we also saw The Flash museum.
And we also got this scene from DC's Legends of Tomorrow trailer, while Barry is traveling the future.
Barry goes back in time but does not save his mother. This scene was the one that really got me in tears, damn it, it was so emotional and Barry told her mom he was fine and that his dad was fine too, he gets to al least say goodbye to her but has to let her die cause he knows he will change the timeline in a very extreme way.
Actually in this scene we see Barry from the future telling Barry NOT to save her mother cause maybe he already had tried and knows is not a good idea to do it, and if you look very closely you would have noticed Barry from the future has a different suit? yep is the one with the bright red and the white circle!!
The Reverse Flash teases Rip Hunter Ulternate Universes.
Barry running into the hole/vortex at the end, and yes i had the same reaction everybody did, it was suck a cliff hanger. As I said before this is like a door to other universes and timelines, i feel like Barry will be just fine and he will be able to close the vortex but not before it spills or leaves out other metahumans out on their universe/timeline, meaning they having villains from the past, present and future.
Cailtin's and Ronnie's weeding!
And the fact that we might get to see Harrison Wells, and i mean THE REAL Harrison Wells in this season, cause now that Eddie died that means Eaboard Thawne was never born meaning he never killed Harrison Wells so he is still alive!!!
To end this i just really wanted to congratulate this amazing cast of producers and actors, The Flash is one of the best show i have seen in a while, so so well made, and this season was mind-blowing, from Grant Gustin to Tom Cavanaugh and Danielle Panabaker and Carlos Valdes and everyone just a huge congrats you did a great job!
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